At-home resources
We are offering at-home, on-line resources for family devotions, Bible studies and other resources for spiritual growth.
The prayers begin on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, in conjunction with the Kansas District Day of Repentance—a day to pray, reflect, repent, and give to those in need. The prayers continue for 50 days, wrapping up on April 7.
Free CPH FaithCourses
Some suggested courses: "Our Way Home: A Journey through the Lord's Prayer" . "God's Great Plan" (asking hard questions about the Bible) . "Galatians" . "Apologetics" (finding answers to hard questions)
Some suggested resources: "Speaking of Jesus" (podcast) . "The Lutheran Hour" (sermons by Dr Michael Ziegler) . "Daily Devotions"
Daily Devotion Readings
Video Devotions
Lutheran Blog on Current Events
Patheos (written by Gene Veith)
Other Lutheran Worship online opportunities